
Kinetic Description of Nonequilibrium Transfer Processes

Authors: Morozov A.N. Published: 03.11.2021
Published in issue: #5(98)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-5-60-72

Category: Physics | Chapter: Theoretical Physics  
Keywords: thermodynamic equilibrium, nonequilibrium state, local equilibrium hypothesis, entropy production, Brownian motion

The paper uses the example of the Brownian motion to kinetically describe the process of entropy increment in a nonequilibrium medium. The study shows that depending on the degree of nonequilibrium, the convergence to an equilibrium state occurs according to different laws. In the case of a strongly nonequilibrium medium, the entropy increment is described mathematically by the weakest logarithmic law, and in the case of a close-to-equilibrium medium, the entropy seeks a maximum value according to the strongest mathematical law --- the exponential law. The obtained expressions describing the Brownian motion can be extended to all other nonequilibrium processes. Mathematical modeling made it possible to calculate the process of entropy increment for an arbitrary degree of nonequilibrium and establish the parameters at which the transition from logarithmic to exponential law of entropy increment occurs when the thermodynamic system seeks an equilibrium state


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