
Real Power Loss Reduction by Enhanced Russian Haliaeetus Pelagicus Optimization

Авторы: Kanagasabai L. Опубликовано: 05.03.2023
Опубликовано в выпуске: #1(106)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2023-1-64-81

Раздел: Математика и механика | Рубрика: Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ  
Ключевые слова: optimal reactive power, transmission loss, Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus


In this paper Enhanced Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus Optimization Algorithm is applied for solving the Power loss lessening problem. Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus Optimization Algorithm is modeled based on the natural deeds of Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus. A spiral trajectory for exploration and a straight-line lane for assails done by Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus for hunting. It shows proclivity to sail in preliminary phase of hunting and efficiently changeover to further proclivity to assail in the concluding phases. Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus conserve proclivity for both sail and assail in each instant of the voyage. Sail vector is computed based on the assail vector. Sail vector is a tangent to the loop and vertical to the assail vector. The sail can be linear pace of Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus in comparison the prey. The sail vector in n-dimensions is situated within the tangent plane in loop in order compute the sail vector. In Enhanced Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus Optimization Algorithm exterior archive, prey precedence condition, and picking of prey are added through multi-objective mode. The fundamental plan is to keep capable solutions in an exterior archive and modernize when procedure continues. Exploration agents are moved in the direction of the stored entities. If the new-fangled solution is conquered by one or more of the present archives' entities, then the new-fangled solution is removed. If the new-fangled solution is not ruled over the present entities of the stored one and the records are not occupied, basically append the new-fangled position to the store. Prudence of the Enhanced Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus Optimization Algorithm is corroborated in IEEE 30 bus system (with and devoid of L-index). True power loss lessening is reached. Ratio of true power loss lessening is augmented

Please cite this article as:

Kanagasabai L. Real power loss reduction by Enhanced Russian Haliaeetus pelagicus Optimization Algorithm. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences, 2023, no. 1 (106), pp. 64--81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18698/1812-3368-2023-1-64-81


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