
4D Investigation of Vortex Fluid Motion Inside the Eyeball

Authors: Skladchikov S.A., Savenkova N.P., Vysikaylo P.I., Avetisov S.E., Lipatov D.V., Novoderеzhkin V.V. Published: 03.11.2021
Published in issue: #5(98)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-5-73-88

Category: Physics | Chapter: Theoretical Physics  
Keywords: vortex formations, convective diffusion flows, mathematical simulation

The eye is a complex system of boundaries and fluids with different viscosities within the boundaries. At present, there are no experimental possibilities to thoroughly observe the dynamic 4D processes after one or another method of eye treatment is applied. The complexity of cumulative, i.e., focusing, and dissipative, i.e., scattering, convective and diffusion 4D fluxes of fluids in the eye requires 4D analytical and numerical models of fluid transfer in the human eyeball to be developed. The purpose of the study was to develop and then verify a numerical model of 4D cumulative-dissipative processes of fluid transfer in the eyeball. The study was the first to numerically evaluate the values of the characteristic time of the drug substance in the vitreous cavity until it is completely washed out, depending on the injection site; to visualize the paths of the vortex motion of the drug in the vitreous cavity; to determine the main parameters of the 4D fluid flows of the medicinal substance in the vitreous cavity, depending on the presence or absence of vitreous detachment from the wall of the posterior chamber of the eye. The results obtained are verified by the experimental data available to doctors. In the eye, as a partially open cumulative-dissipative system, Euler regions with high rates of cumulative flows and regions with low speeds or stagnant Lagrange flow zones are defined


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