
Numerical Simulation of Air Flow in the State of Thermal and Chemical Nonequilibrium behind a Shock Wave Front

Authors: Bryzgalov A.I. Published: 23.06.2021
Published in issue: #3(96)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-3-94-111

Category: Physics | Chapter: Theoretical Physics  
Keywords: dissociation, nonequilibrium, vibrational temperature, shock wave, relaxation

We used the model of a five-component air mixture flow behind the front of a one-dimensional shock wave to compute the flow parameters for shock front temperatures of up to 7000 K, taking into account the variable composition, translational and vibrational temperatures and pressure in the relaxation zone. Vibrational level population in oxygen and nitrogen obeys the Boltzmann distribution with one common vibrational temperature. We consider the effect that temperature nonequilibrium has on the chemical reaction rate by introducing a nonequilibrium factor to the reaction rate constant, said factor depending on the vibrational and translational temperatures. We compared our calculation results for dissociation behind the shock front to the published data concerning temperature nonequilibrium in a pure oxygen flow behind a shock wave front for two different intensities of the latter. The comparison shows a good agreement between the vibrational temperature, experimental data and calculations based on the experimental values of vibrational temperature and molality. We computed the parameters of thermodynamically nonequilibrium dissociation in the air behind the shock wave front, comparing them to those of equilibrium dissociation and calculation results previously published by others. The study demonstrates that the molality values computed converge gradually with those found in published data as the distance from the shock front increases. We list the reasons for the discrepancy between our calculation results and previously published data

The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR grant no. 19-31-90114)


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