
Comparative Heat and Mass Transfer Tests of Structured Packings with Film and Droplet Flow

Authors: Aliev E.K., Volodin V.V., Golub V.V., Mikushkin A.Yu., Timerbaev G.G., Chagin O.V. Published: 11.09.2019
Published in issue: #4(85)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-4-4-21

Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering  
Keywords: heat-mass exchange, contact device, structured packing, film flow, droplet flow

The paper focuses on comparative studies of heat and mass transfer and hydraulic characteristics of two structured packings which provide heat and mass transfer of contacting media in the film flow of liquid Mellapak 250.X and with fluid dispersion in the gas volume PVN.22. The experiments were carried out in a heat-mass exchange column of 400 mm in diameter and of 1 m in height of a packed bed. The method of evaporative cooling of water in the air flow was adapted to obtain heat and mass exchange characteristics of packed contact devices. Findings of research show the effect of irrigation density and gas flow on heat and mass transfer and hydraulic characteristics of packings which provide heat and mass transfer of contacting media in film and droplet flows. A criterion for estimating the efficiency of contact devices is proposed


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