
Numerical Simulation of Aluminum Particle Aerosol Combustion Employing a Probability Density Function and Two Spatial Coordinates

Authors: Romanova T.N., Yagodnikov D.A., Shchetinin G.A. Published: 05.12.2018
Published in issue: #6(81)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2018-6-75-91

Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering  
Keywords: ignition, combustion, powdered aluminum, polydisperse aerosol, two-dimensional probability density function, mathematical model, numerical calculation, powdered aluminum

The paper considers a non-steady-state two-dimensional model employing a probability density function describing temperature distribution and particle radii to investigate two-phase reactive flows formed from polydisperse aluminum particle aerosols. Our numerical computation technique uses six- and eight-diagonal matrices and the Gaussian method adapted to those. This modification aided in making the computations orders of magnitude faster. We obtained particle state distributions in the zones of maximum heat generation and aluminum burnout for the laminar aerosol flow mode. We detected specific features of the spatial flow structure characterised by development of reverse flow zones filled with burning aluminum particles


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