
Electronic Structure and Itinerant Magnetism of Hydrogenated Graphene Nanofilms

Authors: Ilyasov V.V., Ershov I.V., Holodova O.M., Popova I.G. Published: 21.06.2019
Published in issue: #3(84)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-3-60-69

Category: Physics | Chapter: Physics and Technology of Nanostructures, Nuclear and Molecular Physics  
Keywords: graphene nanostructures, electronic structure, density functional theory, itinerant magnetism

The peculiarities of spin-polarized electronic structure of multilayer graphene nanofilm (4-GNL:H) within the framework of Kohn --- Sham approximation were studied in the present work. The calculated band structure and spin-resolved electronic energy spectrum of the 4-GNL:H system were correlated with experimental UPS and XANES spectra of thin hydrogenated a-C:H films. As the band structure calculations show there is a dimensional quantization of energy spectrum in the 4-GNL:H system, and the energy gap of 0.11 eV appears in the spectrum. The self-consistent calculations also predict the existence of itinerant magnetism in the system, conditioned by hydrogen chemisorption

The work was prepared under the state contract for the implementation of research (no. 3.9100.2017/BCh, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)


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