
Simulation of the Scattering Process Effect on High-Temperature Jet Radiation Intensity by the Monte Carlo Method

Authors: Grigorev I.S. Published: 17.10.2020
Published in issue: #5(92)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2020-5-28-43

Category: Physics | Chapter: Optics  
Keywords: scattering, ray tracing, jet, radiation intensity, massively parallel computing, CUDA, aircraft, Monte Carlo method

The purpose of the paper was to study the scattering effect in the gas jet model on the angular dependence of the radiation intensity. Along with the Monte Carlo method used as the main calculation method, we applied a direct numerical solution of the equation of radiation transfer in a non-scattering medium, known as the discrete directions method, or Ray-Tracing Method. We compared the results obtained using the two methods when calculating a non-scattering medium in order to verify the solution according to the Monte Carlo scheme. Furthermore, we calculated the medium with an increasing value of the local scattering coefficient. Findings of research show the significant effect of scattering processes on the redistribution of radiation energy from the surface of the object. The computational algorithm is implemented on the CUDA C architecture. The use of analytical jet models, e.g. according to Abramovich's theory, and the results of calculations in the computational gas dynamics packages makes it possible to calculate the values of the radiation intensity for a wide class of objects


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