
Calculation of the Magnetic Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in the Framework of Density Functional Theory

Authors: Erkovich O.S., Ivliev P.A. Published: 10.08.2016
Published in issue: #4(67)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2016-4-56-64

Category: Physics | Chapter: Physics of Magnetic Phenomena  
Keywords: electron density, carbon nanotubes, angular distribution, radial distribution, magnetic field of nanotube

The study tested radial angular distribution of electron density of a single-walled metal type carbon nanotube. Within the research we took into account the electron-electron interaction in the approximation of a right circular cylinder having a constant electrostatic potential. The system under consideration is a cylindrically symmetric potential well with a final height of the wall. In the framework of Kohn - Sham theory and Hartree - Fock self-consistent field approximation we obtained radial and angular distribution of the electron density n(r) in such structures. We presented graphically the radial component of the electron density and concluded that nature of the electron density distribution does not depend on the nanotube radius. Relying on the obtained radial distribution we made a conclusion about the nature of the electrical conductivity of nanotubes, as well as an estimate of their electrical resistance. Taking into consideration the nature of the angular distribution we calculated the magnetic field induction of single-walled carbon nanotubes.


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