
Virial Theorem and Scale Relations in Multicomponent Systems of Charged Particles

Authors: Erkovich O.S., Rutskaya A.M. Published: 17.10.2013
Published in issue: #3(38)/2010  

Category: Physics  
Keywords: density functional method, virial theorem, scale relations

The work is devoted to the study of uniqueness of the variation problem solution in the density functional method. The scale relations are studied which occur in systems incorporating two types of particles as well as in systems of charged particles in the electrostatic field created by a distributed external charge. A possibility for applying the virial theorem is investigated. It is shown that for quantum systems of charged particles in the distributed-charge field, the known relation 2T = -V - W, linking mean values of the system's kinetic energy T with those of the potential energies of interconnection between the particles and external field (V) and among the particles (W), is not satisfied.