
Correlation between Kullback’s Measure of Electrolytic Cell Voltage Fluctuations and Meteorological Factors

Authors: Morozov A.N. Published: 17.06.2015
Published in issue: #3(60)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2015-3-47-57

Category: Physics | Chapter: Electrophysics, Electrophysical Devices  
Keywords: voltage fluctuation, electrolytic cell, Kullback’s measure, temperature, dew-point, relative humidity, absolute humidity, vapor pressure, wind speed, correlation factor

The article discusses the results of the persistent data processing of electrolytic cell voltage fluctuations conducted in two separate experimental setups during two sets of experiments. It presents the determined correlation between the electrolytic cell voltage fluctuations and the following meteorological factors: outside air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, absolute humidity, and vapor pressure. It is found out that Kullback’s measure parameters lag behind the meteorological factors up to 18-51 hours. The maximum correlation is observed from the exposure to dew-point temperature variations, absolute humidity, and vapor pressure. This correlation can not be explained by the exposure of the experimental setups to temperature variations.


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