
Mathematical Simulation of the Behavior of a Cumulative Jet with Inert and Reactive Components

Authors: Babkin A.V., Medeltsev A.A., Zagryadskiy F.S., Krutskevich М.А. Published: 08.10.2019
Published in issue: #5(86)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-5-19-34

Category: Physics | Chapter: Condensed Matter Physics  
Keywords: numerical simulation, cumulation, liner, composite, jet, penetration

The purpose of the research was to investigate the processes associated with the free flight of a cumulative jet formed from a composite liner of a cumulative charge. We mathematically simulated the process from the perspective of continuum mechanics using numerical methods for solving the corresponding equations. The cumulative jet was simulated in the quasi-two-dimensional nonstationary approximation as a high-gradient cylindrical compressible elastoplastic or liquid rod. The material of the jet was considered as a one-speed three-phase medium. The compressibility of each phase was described by its inherent barotropic dependence of pressure on density. The resulting pressure in a multiphase mixture of particles of the cumulative jet, considered as a composite material, was determined on the basis of the additivity condition of the volumes. When assessing the composition of the jet, we determined the initial concentrations of the components using a software package for thermo-dynamic simulation of chemically reacting systems. To find the numerical solution of the multi-phase, i.e., composite, jet extension problem, we used a finite-difference method based on Neumann --- Richtmyer scheme. The numerical analysis of the process under study was carried out on the example of a laboratory cumulative charge. Within the research, we found the characteristic features and possible variations in the behavior of the jet depending on the presence of the components of the composite liner, i.e., matrix, inert and reactive additives, and their properties. Finally, we estimated the change in the penetrating power of the jet compared to the reference variant of the cumulative liner of a homogeneous single-phase monolithic material


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