
Simulation and Calculation Method of the Vortex Cavitation Device

Authors: Khafizov F.Sh., Aleksandrov A.A., Sushchev S.P., Abutalipova E.M., Khafizov I.F. Published: 14.02.2017
Published in issue: #1(70)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2017-1-78-91

Category: Mathematics and Mechanics | Chapter: Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma  
Keywords: cavitation, material dispersion, vortex formation, Reynolds number, associated petroleum gas, absorber, nozzle

The study centers on development of the new design technology of warm-and-mass-transfer devices on the basis of cavitational and vortex effect. Within the research we investigated and studied the flow pattern in the device. The study shows that creation of several modes of moving streams, increase in their speed and turbulence make it possible not only to create the optimum absorption mode with essential simplification of the device design but also to considerably reduce energy consumption for implementing the technological processes. The study proved that to create the efficient cavitation mode, the energy of the processed liquid flow is enough. Findings of the research prove the applicability of vortex cavitation devices for preparation of oil, gas and its products for transportation. Finally, we provide technical solutions as to how the functionality of vortex cavitation devices could be improved to increase the effectiveness of oil and gas refining processes.


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