
Solution to Problem of Impact Interaction between Elastic Body and Ufland–Mindlin Plate Using Ray Method

Authors: Loktev А.А., Loktev D.A. Published: 14.10.2013
Published in issue: #2(37)/2010  

Category: Mechanics  
Keywords: dynamical contact, Ufland-Mindlin plate, ray method

The dynamical contact of the striker (in the form of cargo and cylindrical spring) with the elastic isotropic plate is studied; the plate's dynamical behavior is described by wave equations taking into account the rotational inertia of cross-sections and the transverse-shear deformation. The wave approach is used which is connected with the propagation of wave surfaces of discontinuity in the contacting plate. The ray method as well as the method of splicing asymptotic expansions at the contact area boundary and the Laplace transformation method are applied as the methods of obtaining the solution. It is concluded that the construction parameters influence the dynamical contact force.