
Method for Monitoring of Aluminum Alloy Crystallization

Authors: Timchenko S.L. Published: 08.09.2013
Published in issue: #1(44)/2012  

Category: Applied Mathematics and Methods of Mathematical Simulation  
Keywords: electric current, electric conductivity, crystallization, eutectic

The alternative way of monitoring the phase transition at the aluminum alloy crystallization is considered, which is based on measuring the voltage drop across the sample. It is shown that the use of the additional external impact in the form of electric current allows one not only to monitor a process of phase transition, but also to influence the properties of a material of the product, improving them at the stage of its manufacturing. A value of the coefficient of heat conductivity of the alloy is defined. The influence of thermal properties of environment and the external electric impact in the form of electric current on dynamics of movement of the crystallization front under conditions of phase transition is analyzed.