
Gaseous Fission Products and Seismic Measurements as Identifiers of Nuclear Explosions

Authors: Greshilov А.А., Lebedev A.L., Plokhuta P.A. Published: 24.02.2014
Published in issue: #2(33)/2009  

Category: Applied Mathematics and Methods of Mathematical Simulation  

A problem of the nuclear explosion identification by means of gaseous fission products, xenon and krypton isotopes, and by seismic measurements is considered. Using the inert gas isotope activities measured in the atmosphere, the presence or absence of the underground nuclear explosion is estimated (ideally, contributions of different radioactivity sources into the total measured activity of the isotope), and based on the seismic stations data (a problem of taking bearing), a geographical position of the probable area of nuclear testing conduction is evaluated. Algorithms of obtaining the pointed and integral estimations of solutions are given.