
Studying and Calculating Parameters of Components of the Rotation Speed Control System of a Turbine Rotor Taking into Account the Parametric Uncertainty of the Mathematical Model

Authors: Kornyushin Yu.P., Mel’nikov D.V., Egupov N.D., Kornyushin P.Yu. Published: 14.02.2014
Published in issue: #1(52)/2014  

Category: Applied Mathematics and Methods of Mathematical Simulation  
Keywords: mathematical model, steam turbine, control system, robustness, differentiator

The possible approach is considered for calculating the parameters (parametric synthesis) of the system of the turbine rotation speed control by an example of the K-800-130/3000 turbine. A new criterion of optimality is proposed. The parametric uncertainty of control system actuators and the input action indeterminacy are taken into account. The calculation results are presented. It is found that the control system of the K-800-130/3000 turbine has good robust properties with respect to the fresh steam pressure deviation and the oil pressure pulsations in the actuator's part of the control system (up to 20% of the nominal value). A high reliability of the control system for parrying the perturbing actions is confirmed by the performed studies.


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