
Computational and Experimental Study of the Supersonic Turbulent Detached Flow and Local Heat Emission in a Flat Duct with a Sudden Expansion

Authors: Nosatov V.V., Semenyov P.A. Published: 14.02.2014
Published in issue: #1(52)/2014  

Category: Applied Mathematics and Methods of Mathematical Simulation  
Keywords: gas-dynamics, heat transfer, supersonic flow, boundary layer, turbulence, separated flow, shock

Results of numerical and experimental study of the supersonic separated flow and local heat transfer in a flat duct with a sudden one-side enlargement at the Mach number M ≈ 3 and the initial turbulent boundary layer before the flow detachment from the step are considered. The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations are used which are added with the k-ω, k-ε, and Spalart-Allmaras turbulence models in different variants of computation. The computed fields of gas-dynamical parameters in the stepwise duct are presented. The computed and experimental pressure distributions on the wall and the heat transfer coefficient behind the step are compared. The spatial correlation of the obtained fields of velocity, surface pressure and friction, as well as the heat transfer coefficient in the region of initial and reattachment of the boundary layer is analyzed.


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