
Lower Confidence Limit for Mean Time between Failures in a System Featuring Repairable Components

Authors: Pavlov I.V., Razgulyaev S.V. Published: 27.09.2018
Published in issue: #5(80)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2018-5-37-44

Category: Mathematics and Mechanics | Chapter: Substantial Analysis, Complex and Functional Analysis  
Keywords: reliability, system, availability, mean time between failures, confidence limits, redundancy, repair

The paper considers the problem of confidence estimation for one of the main reliability indices of repairable systems, that is, steady-state mean time between failures, in a general model of a system characterised by hot redundancy and separate component maintenance in various subsystems. We present a method of plotting an approximate lower confidence limit (based on component testing results) for this reliability index assuming an asymptotic case common in engineering practice, when the system components feature high reliability ("fast repair")


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