
Analytical Solution of the Dynamics Equations for a Wave Solid-State Gyroscope Using the Angular Rate Linear Approximation

Authors: Basarab M.A., Lunin B.S., Ivanov I.P. Published: 03.11.2021
Published in issue: #5(98)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-5-17-32

Category: Mathematics and Mechanics | Chapter: Computational Mathematics  
Keywords: wave solid-state gyroscope, angular rate, Weber functions, piecewise linear approximation

The exact solution is provided of the dynamics equation for an elastic inextensible ring being the basic model of a wave solid-state gyroscope with the linear law of the base angular rotation rate alteration. This solution is presented in terms of the parabolic cylinder functions (Weber function). Asymptotic approximations are used in the device certain operating modes. On the basis of the solution obtained, the analytical solution to the equation of the ring dynamics in case of piecewise linear approximation of the angular rate arbitrary profile on a time grid is derived. This significantly expands the class of angular rate dependences, for which the solution could be written down analytically. Earlier, in addition to the simplest case of constant angular rate, solutions were obtained for angular rate varying according to the square root law with time (Airy function), as well as according to the harmonic law (Mathieu function). Error dependence of such approximation on the discretization step in time is estimated numerically. Results obtained make it possible to reduce the number of operations, when it is necessary to study long-term evolutions of the dynamic system oscillations, as well as to quantitatively and qualitatively control convergence of finite-difference schemes in solving dynamics equations for a wave solid-state gyroscope with the ring resonator


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