
Estimated Guaranteed Life for a System Model with Redundancy of Heterogeneous Elements

Authors: Pavlov I.V., Razgulyaev S.V. Published: 06.12.2019
Published in issue: #6(87)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-6-4-17

Category: Mathematics and Mechanics | Chapter: Computational Mathematics  
Keywords: guaranteed life, model, system, redundancy, reliability, gamma-percentile resource, asymptotic expressions

The paper focuses on the problem of confidence estimation of reliability indicators for a system model with loaded redundancy of elements of various sub-systems. The lower confidence limits are constructed for the system reliability function, as well as for the indicator associated with it, the indicator having a given guaranteed level of the system uptime, i.e., its gamma-percentile life. Within the research, we obtained approximate asymptotic --- for the case of high reliability --- expressions for confidence estimates of these basic indicators of system reliability. Rather simple approximate analytical calculation formulas based on these asymptotic expressions are given for the lower confidence boundary of the system reliability function and a similar confidence boundary for the guaranteed system life


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