
Information-communication technologies of project training of students with disabilities

Authors: Volkov A.A., Oreshkina O.A. Published: 11.09.2013
Published in issue: #3(50)/2013  

Category: Engineering Pedagogical & Linguistics  
Keywords: hearing impaired students, content accessibility, information and communication technologies in the education, project activity, the education and rehabilitation programs, multimedia projects, multimedia presentations, professional and personal competences

The effective technology providing the content accessibility of disciplines of the main education program for hearing impaired students (subjects of the professional education and rehabilitation programs of continuous two-level integrated education at BMSTU) is suggested. The technology consists in combining the information technology with elements of project activities while performing individual project tasks within disciplines of the natural-science or professional cycles, i.e., as a matter of fact, is a new interdisciplinary education and rehabilitation technology. It was tested by the example of the chemistry course and showed its high efficiency in minimizing specific limitations of this students' group and in contributing to development of the set of professional and personal competences because of the students' involvement and motivation.


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