
Selection of parameters for computational algorithms while solving the problem of rough bodies contact with ANSYS

Authors: Murashov M.V. Published: 16.02.2016
Published in issue: #1(64)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2016-1-111-121

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling. Numerical Methods, and Software Systems  
Keywords: thermal contact conductance, roughness, finite element method, elastic-plastic deformation, ANSYS

The process of finding a numerical solution to contact deformation problems of two rough bodies is difficult due to many parameters of computational algorithms,as well as special features of finite-element models, which significantly affect the results. Both the elastic-plastic deformation of the materials and the geometry change of the contacting rough surfaces result in appearing a nonlinear deformation problem and often cause an extra difficulty in computing. The paper considers the impact of one parameter of the augmented Lagrangian method (a penetration tolerance) on the determined real contact area. The contact problem solution for the rough area of micron sizes with ANSYS is taken as an example. The author gives recommendations for selecting values of this parameter in order to avoid physically improbable solutions. The impact of the load step is analyzed. Different strategies of the load step modifications during the computational process are considered.


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