
Mathematical Model of the Cooling System of Combustion Chambers of Aviation Ramjet Engines using Endothermic Fuels

Authors: Toktaliev P.D., Martynenko S.I. Published: 08.02.2015
Published in issue: #1(58)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2015-1-84-98

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling. Numerical Methods, and Software Systems  
Keywords: endothermic fuels, mathematical simulation, ramjet engines

The paper represents 3D mathematical model of the conjugate heat transfer at turbulent motion of the endothermic fuels in the heated curvilinear rough channels of the cooling system of an aviation ramjet engine. One-stage model based on replacement of the real hydrocarbon substance by some fictitious matter is used for the description of the endothermic fuel pyrolysis. The fictitious matter decomposes without any intermediate reaction. Equation for computation of the local decomposition degree and term in the energy equation accounting the endothermic effect of the fuel pyrolysis are given. The paper demonstrates results of the numerical study of the heat transfer in various designs of cooling system using the pentane as an endothermic fuel under supercritical pressure.


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