
Mathematical Description of Birth and Deposition Processes for Products of Hydrolysis of Gaseous Uranium Hexafluoride UF6 in Semi-space

Authors: Babenko S.P. , Bad’in A.V.  Published: 23.04.2014
Published in issue: #4(19)/2005  

Category: Ecology  

One of problems of the UF6 application in production processes is an occurrence in production areas of surplus of substances - uranium and fluorine -which are toxic for a human. Their gaseous and aerosol phases are available in the air. A mathematical model is offered describing these substances occurrence in the air and their deposition above a human and surfaces in the production areas under condition of ignoring the gravity force, acting on particles. The accepted condition reduces the usage of results to the evaluation of doses that the human takes from gaseous phases of the toxic substances.