
Investigation of Stability and Coagulation of Lyophobic Sols Using Computer Technology

Authors: Goncharenko E.E., Ksenofontov B.S., Golubev A.M. Published: 14.02.2014
Published in issue: #1(52)/2014  

Category: Ecology  
Keywords: water purification, coagulants, ecology, disperse systems, colloids, coagulation, lyophobic sols, computer technology, aggregate stability, mutual coagulation of sols

To select effectively the coagulants, containing salts of metals, for purification of industrial waste waters, it is necessary to take into account not only the influence of multiply charged ions on coagulation process, hydrolysis ofsalts but also the probable mutual coagulation of sols. Therefore, when the reagents for water purification are selected, both their adsorptive capacity and the aggregate stability of the formed sols (that is determined by the coagulation threshold) should be considered. Techniques are developed for studying coagulation, stability and stabilization of lyophobic sols with application of computer technology allowing one to obtain quickly enough the necessary experimental results. The techniques were tested for the electrolytic coagulation of the Fe(OH)3 sol with positively charged colloidal particles and the MnO2 sol with negatively charged ones, as well as for their mutual coagulation. The technique is created for studying the stabilization of sols. It is shown that experiment results agree with the data available in literature. Some recommendations are given for water purification using a mix of electrolytes-coagulants and also for the process of mutual coagulation of sols.


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