
An Equation for Computing Thermal Capacity of an Electrolyte in a Dissociated Solution

Authors: Akhapkina T.E., Gurov A.A., Solovev S.N., Kozhevnikova S.V. Published: 20.02.2019
Published in issue: #1(82)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-1-77-87

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Physical Chemistry  
Keywords: strong electrolyte, thermal capacity, Debye --- Hückel theory, Kuznetsova's theory

The authors used E.M. Kuznetsova's theory to derive an equation for computing thermal capacity of an electrolyte in a dissociated solution. This equation may also be used to determine such important characteristics as the constant and enthalpy of ion association in electrolyte solutions. This equation is derived from the simplest model, that of ion association, which allows certain solution properties to be adequately described as functions of concentration. The ion association model is based on the equilibrium between ions and ion pairs of the same kind that exists in electrolyte solutions


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