
The use of computer technology for studying of the processes of wastewater treatment and their intensification

Authors: Goncharenko E.E., Ksenofontov B.S., Golubev A.M., Petrova E.V. Published: 04.09.2015
Published in issue: #4(61)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2015-4-115-125

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Physical Chemistry  
Keywords: water treatment, coagulants, ecology, livonia sols, computer technology, flocculants, aggregate stability, activated sludge

The article considers the results of the research into the usage of reagent coagulation for removing colloidal solutions, which consist of metal hydroxides, fat, oil, sediment, etc. from waste water. The authors develop a methodology for studying the coagulation and stabilization of lyophobic sols with the help of a computer technology which allows obtaining necessary experimental data quite quickly. To intensify the process of wastewater treatment the authors study the usage of microorganisms of the activated sludge as well as the yeasts cultivated on the oil hydrocarbon. The article shows that the biomass of microorganisms of the activated sludge with a certain pH magnitude and the optimal mixing mode is not only effective but it occurs to be an economical flocculant, as it allows recycling the activated sludge in the same wastewater treatment plants where it is formed during the biochemical wastewater treatment.


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