
Investigating the Process of Producing Composite Hydrogel Particle Slurry

Authors: Makarenkov D.A., Fedorova E.M., Buchryakova V.A., Lobastov S.L., Nazarov V.I., Boldyrev V.S. Published: 09.08.2020
Published in issue: #4(91)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2020-4-123-137

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Organic Chemistry  
Keywords: hydrogel, inorganic fillers, reagents, polymerisation, mixing, grinding, machine

The paper presents comprehensive investigation results concerning obtaining a composite hydrogel material in the form of an aqueous slurry. We considered the issue of grinding hydrogel in water so as to obtain an aqueous slurry of hydrogel particles featuring the desired particle size distribution. We selected polyacrylamide to be the composite hydrogel material and used an anti-Stokes phosphor as a filler. We describe a multi-stage method for producing hydrogel, a coarse grinding process for hydrogel blocks, and a fine grinding technology employing an immersion disperser. We obtained slurries featuring a narrow particle size distribution (160--1000 µm). We provide data on investigating how the manufacturing process parameters and modal parameters of the equipment used affect the particle size distribution in the resulting hydrogel material. We propose a technology for producing composite hydrogel particle slurry in a single process cycle


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