
Study of Phase Transitions and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Poly-4-Methylpentene-1

Authors: Romanko O.I. Published: 23.05.2014
Published in issue: #3(54)/2014  

Category: Chemistry  
Keywords: membrane, thermal analysis, thermomechanical analysis, phase transition, relaxation process, mesophase, polymer

Structural transformations in poly-4-methylpentene-1 (PMP) within a wide temperature interval are studied by physical and chemical methods. Experimental investigations of phase transformations are carried out using the thermal and thermomechanical analysis, the method of free torsional vibrations, and IR spectroscopy. Features of different-kind transformations depending on a type of polymer structure are discussed. The possibility of the flexible-chain PMP transition to the mesophase state in the pre- and post-molten condition is ascertained. Values of thermodynamic parameters of the PMP conformation mobility during its phase transformations are calculated on the basis of experimental data.


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