
Ignition of hydrogen-air mixture near lower flammability limit

Authors: Ivanov M.F., Kiverin A.D., Smygalina A.Ye. Published: 10.06.2013
Published in issue: #1(48)/2013  

Category: Chemistry  
Keywords: ignition, lower flammability limit, hydrogen safety, numerical simulation

The initiation of the hydrogen-air mixture combustion near the lower flammability limit is analyzed using numerical simulation methods. Problems on ignition evolution and propagation of combustion waves in lean mixtures with homogeneous and inhomogeneous stirring are solved using the detailed models of chemical kinetics, which reproduce peculiarities of chain mechanism of ignition. It is shown that in case of the non-uniform concentration distribution, the reaction initiation is possible even if a hydrogen concentration in the mixture is lower than the lean flammability limit. A heat wave formed in this case can create conditions for initiation of a self-sustaining combustion wave in the less lean adjacent area.


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