
Preparation of Solutions of Titanium Trichloride-Based Complex Coagulants

Authors: Kuzin E.N. Published: 26.08.2021
Published in issue: #4(97)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-4-86-99

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Electrochemistry  
Keywords: complex coagulant-reducing agent, titanium trichloride, thermal reduction, electrochemical reduction

One of the largest sources of heavy metal compounds entering the hydrosphere is galvanic production. Despite their high danger, chromium (VI) compounds are widely used in electroplating. Electrolytes based on chromium (VI) compounds are stable at all pH values and, if released into water, pose a serious problem for wastewater treatment plants. The purpose of this study was to assess the possibility of thermal and electrochemical preparation of solutions of complex coagulants-reducing agents based on titanium trichloride for wastewater treatment from chromium (VI) compounds. Findings of research show that the yield of titanium trichloride is practically independent of the production method, however, the process of electrochemical synthesis is much more stable, the reaction mixture is slightly heated, which has a positive effect on the storage time of the obtained reagent solutions. The study proves that in terms of their effectiveness, the samples of the complex coagulant-reducing agent are superior to individual reagents based on iron (II) compounds. Moreover, the use of complex reagents makes it possible to considerably intensify the processes of sedimentation and filtration of the resulting sludge, which allows us to significantly reduce the dimensions of the equipment and increase the economic efficiency of the water purification process as a whole The work was carried as part of program to support young scientists-teachers of D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (application no. Z-2020-013)


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