
On the Effect of the Flexibility Parameter on Thermodynamic Properties of Acrylonitrile and Methylvinylpyridine Copolymers

Authors: Romanko O.I., Eliseeva E.A. Published: 10.02.2020
Published in issue: #1(88)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2020-1-71-79

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Bioorganic Chemistry  
Keywords: chemisorption, polymers, vitrification temperature, thermal analysis, activation energy, polymer flexibility, acrylonitrile, methylvinylpyridine

We used thermal analysis to investigate the effects of temperature (20--300 °C) on the behaviour of acrylonitrile and methylvinylpyridine copolymers and determine the temperature ranges in which segmental mobility develops in them, as well as their glass transition temperatures. Data obtained via differential thermal analysis allowed us to compute activation energies for vitrification processes in copolymers of the series specified and to plot vitrification temperature as a function of copolymer composition. We used the method of increments to compute flexibility parameters for acrylonitrile and 2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine and analyse the effects of flexibility parameters on the manifestation of relaxation processes. The data obtained may be used to amend manufacturing parameters when developing chemisorptive filter materials based on the specified copolymer series


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