
Study of Properties of "Water–Anionic SAA–Tincture of Blueberry Fruit" System

Authors: Flyurik E.A., Kohanskaya M.V., Bushkevich N.V. Published: 15.12.2019
Published in issue: #6(87)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-6-97-112

Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Bioorganic Chemistry  
Keywords: anionic SAA, sodium laureth sulfate, blueberry fruit, tincture, properties, system

This study is dedicated to the development of a new shampoo based on plant raw material using water tinctures of high-quality blueberry fruit Vaccinium corymbosum L. We used blueberry fruit of Bluecrop sort, the choice of this variety is based on its popularity and wide spread in the Republic of Belarus. This paper introduces a method of obtaining the tincture of blueberry fruit: the size of crushed raw material is 0.3--1.0 mm; the raw material : extractant ratio is 1 : 10; the extractant is drinking-water; the infusion time is 1 day. We analyzed the complex of biologically active substances in the tincture, contained in it, such as anthocyanins, tannins, carbohydrates, flavonoids. To choose the concentration of anionic SAA, i.e., water solution of sodium laureth sulfate, its foam forming properties in a concentration range of 0.01--5.00 % (ln c from --4.6 to 1.6) were previously determined. It was established that optimal concentration of SAA which provides foam forming properties on the required level for hygienic detergents is 0.02%. The effect of the tincture of blueberry fruit on the properties of water solutions that contain SAA was also investigated. Findings of research show that to meet the requirements for hygienic detergents, which means that the foam number of shampoo should be at least 100 mm, and foam stability should be not less than 80 %, the concentration of the tincture of high-quality blueberry fruit in solution of sodium laureth sulfate should be no more than 10 %


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