
Simulation of the Spectra of the Transverse Kerr Effect of Magnetic Nanocomposites FeCoZr−Al2O3

Авторы: Yashin M.M., Yurasov A.N., Ganshina E.A., Garshin V.V., Semenova D.V., Mirzokulov Kh.B. Опубликовано: 08.10.2019
Опубликовано в выпуске: #5(86)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-5-63-72

Раздел: Физика | Рубрика: Физика и технология наноструктур, атомная и молекулярная физика  
Ключевые слова: magnetic nanocomposite, the transverse Kerr effect, the dependence of the spectral method the Maxwell --- Garnett effective medium size effect

The magneto-optical properties of magnetic nanocomposites have been studied in the study of spectral dependences of the transverse Kerr effect (TKE). Experimental preparation of nanocomposites formed from FeCoZr and Al2O3 alloys at different component concentrations by ion-beam sputtering is discussed. Discuss various methods of the theoretical study of nanocomposites depending on the concentration of ferromagnetic components. The spectral dependences of TKE at low concentrations of the metal component are investigated. Spectral dependences of the Kerr transverse effect are simulated in the framework of the TKE are compared taking into account the size effect at different values of the nanocomposite granule size. There is a good qualitative and quantitative agreement between experimental and theoretical spectral dependences of TKE. In addition, in this paper, we note both practical and fundamental importance of the results. The possibilities of using such nanocomposite materials are discussed


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