
Axisymmetric Stressed State of Uniformly Layered Space with Periodic Systems of Internal Disc-Shaped Cracks and Inclusions

Авторы: Hakobyan V.N., Amirjanyan H.A., Kazakov K.Ye. Опубликовано: 22.04.2020
Опубликовано в выпуске: #2(89)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2020-2-25-40

Раздел: Математика и механика | Рубрика: Дифференциальные уравнения и математическая физика  
Ключевые слова: mixed problem, disk-shaped crack, circular rigid inclusion

Using the Hankel integral transform, we construct discontinuous solutions for the problem of the axisymmetric stress state of a piecewise homogeneous, uniformly layered space, obtained by alternately connecting two heterogeneous layers of the same thickness. The space on the middle planes of the first heterogeneous layer contains a periodic system of circular disc-shaped parallel cracks, and on the middle planes of the second layer has a periodic system of circular disc-shaped parallel rigid inclusions. The determining system of equations is obtained in the form of a system of integral equations with kernels of the Weber --- Sonin type with respect to the crack extension and tangent contact stresses acting on the facial surfaces of rigid inclusions. With the help of rotation operators, the resulting determining system of equations is reduced to a system of integral equations of the second kind of Fredholm type. The equation solution is constructed by the method of mechanical quadratures. A numerical analysis was carried out and regularities were revealed in the variation of the intensity factors of rupture stresses, crack extension and contact stresses under the inclusions depending on the physical and mechanical and geometrical characteristics of the problem

The study was carried out with financial support of MESCS RA SC and RFBR as part of a joint research project SCS 18RF061 and 18-51-05012


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