
Parametric Calculations of the Aerodynamics of a Descent Vehicle

Авторы: Dubovik V.N., Zhukov V.T., Manukovskii K.V., Novikova N.D., Tulin D.V., Feodoritova O.B. Опубликовано: 12.05.2021
Опубликовано в выпуске: #2(95)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-2-37-51

Раздел: Математика и механика | Рубрика: Вычислительная математика  
Ключевые слова: descent vehicle, aerodynamic characteristics, unstructured meshes, Navier --- Stokes equations

We present the methodology and results of parametric aerodynamic studies of vehicles descending into the planet’s atmosphere. The proposed computational approach might serve as the basis for solving a number of problems such as predicting and optimizing the descent trajectory of the vehicle, the search for a rational aerodynamic layout of the vehicle, i.e., tasks requiring massive parametric calculations. The systematization of such calculations is the first step towards the creation of a specialized database that includes sets of input and output data (flight speed, angles of attack, drag and lift coefficients, aerodynamic pitching moment, etc.) and the corresponding three-dimensional fields of gas-dynamic quantities together with computational meshes of various granularity and parameters of the computational model. Additional information to each element of the database might be a set of variables, parameterizing the geometry of the vehicle, experimental data, etc. The probability of forming the information content of such a data-base using modern supercomputer systems is shown. The capabilities of the domestic supercomputer aerodynamic code NOISEtte are demonstrated in the field of multiparametric three-dimensional calculations of descent vehicles based on the numerical solution of the Navier --- Stokes equations on three-dimensional unstructured meshes


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