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О.В. Щерица, А.О. Гусев, О.С. Мажорова


ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2017. № 5

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Shcheritsa O.V.

— Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Researcher of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathe-

matics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Miusskaya ploshchad' 4, Moscow, 125047 Russian Federa-

tion), Assoc. Professor of Applied Mathematics Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical

University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

Gusev A.O.

— Bachelor' Degree student of Applied Mathematics Department, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

Mazhorova O.S.

— Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Researcher of Keldysh Institute of Applied

Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Miusskaya ploshchad' 4, Moscow, 125047 Russian

Federation), Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Leninskie gory 1, Moscow,

119991 Russian Federation), Professor of Applied Mathematics Department, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

Please cite this article in English as:

Shcheritsa O.V., Gusev A.O., Mazhorova O.S. On Solution to Phase Transition Problem in

Multicomponent Alloy in the Cylindrical Ampule.

Vestn. Mosk. Gos. Tekh. Univ. im. N.E. Bauma-

na, Estestv. Nauki

[Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Tech. Univ., Nat. Sci.], 2017, no. 5,

pp. 118–138. DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2017-5-118-138

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

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