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О.В. Щерица, А.О. Гусев, О.С. Мажорова


ISSN 1812-3368. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Естественные науки. 2017. № 5



The paper presents a self-consistent model of multicompo-

nent alloy crystallization in a cylindrical ampule. The

mathematical model accounts for the heat and matter

transfer in both solid and liquid phases. We described the

system by the interface position and radially average tem-

perature and concentrations. Special efforts are required to

solve a corresponding one dimensional phase transition

problem in multicomponent alloy. To handle evolution of

solid/liquid interface, the moving boundary problem is

mapped to a new coordinate system. We obtained a con-

servative and implicit finite difference scheme in a new

coordinate system with control volume technique and

constructed a fully implicit coupled approach. Further-

more, we solved a corresponding set of nonlinear equations

by Newton method for the unknown vector, whose com-

ponents are concentrations of all species, interface rate and

temperature. The proposed method was used for numerical

simulation of the crystallization process of А


С solution

Stefan problem, phase transition,

mathematical simulation

Received 24.10.2016

© BMSTU, 2017



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